The Influence Of Family Knowledge On The Care Of Stroke Patients At Home In The Somba Opu Health Centre Working Area


  • Ridwan Universitas Hasanuddin
  • Reski Amaliyah STIKES Gunung Sari


Keywords: Family Knowledge of Sleeping Position, Sitting Position, Feeding, Range of Motion Exercise and Stroke Patient Care


Background; Family knowledge about stroke patient care at home is very important to support the patient's recovery rate and quality of life. Some things that families need to know about stroke patient care at home such as bed positioning, sitting positioning, feeding, and range of motion (ROM) exercises. Aim; to know the family towards stroke patient care. Method; This study used a quantitative research design using a cross sectional approach with a sample size of 32 respondents. Result; Based on the results of statistical analysis, it was found that several variables had a significant influence on the care of stroke patients at home in the Somba Opu Health Centre working area. These variables include sleeping position (p=0.020), sitting position (p=0.020), feeding (p=0.020), and range of motion exercises (p=0.004), all of which showed p<0.05. Conclusion; There is an influence of family knowledge on sleeping position, sitting position, feeding, range of motion exercises with stroke patient care at home in the somba opu health centre working area.



