Tentang Jurnal Ini
Submitted manuscript is an original paper, free from anything plagiarism, and less than 25% checked by the service detector plagiarism Internet- based.
Manuscript is not yet delivery published or not accepted for published in another journals.
Manuscript written with size 10 Times New Roman font, single space, left and right align, one side page, created one column with A4 paper (210 mm x 297 mm) with top margins of 3 cm, bottom 2.5 cm, left and right 2 cm each.
Manuscript including content tables and figures must consists from 6 to 8 pages (4000–5000 words), more takes priority in amount page even.
If far away exceed specified length, recommended for resolve into two manuscripts distinct. Used standard Indonesian Grammarly. (Between paragraphs given space empty, space single, without indent)
Times New Roman, font size 16, bold, centered
The author's name is written without title with font 12
Affiliate address, city, Indonesia, postal code (font 10)
Abstract written use Indonesian language.
Use type abstract one paragraph no structured, font 10 pt, single space, right-left align, no number of words exceed 250 words, there is no quotes and acronyms.
Abstract must contain introduction or analysis situation including objective from devotion society, if enable create in one sentence.
Implementation method used. Write it down results community service carried out and conclusions
Keywords written by use Indonesian language. Contains the word or phrase maximum six words and sorted alphabetically. Between keywords connected with comma. (space three, font 10)
Background study. In the strengthening background behind study or activities, author must add background behind empirical and framework conceptual / background rear built from review study relevant previously published not lengthy than 5 years.
Give short review about related literature, state originality research, and state objective study.
Covers problems, challenges, or factual and actual necessity that are needed public related with objective study.
Authors must justify participation and interaction public form in involvement public programs and activities.
Explain research method which is used solve problem, challenge, or defiance, and answer objective study.
Collection data techniques (include selection sample technique, validity value questionnaire, and reliability value questionnaire, equipment for data collection).
Analysis data technique.
Activity location, time, and duration.
Authors must explain condition / situation before the program / activity implemented and expected results.
Relevant documentation with focus on public empowerment activities.
For photos / images: minimum resolution of 300 dpi with JPEG extension (.jpg). Use soft device processor picture for check dpi.
Results must be served with correct and accompanied explanation without referring to literature. Findings are original and important must declare. Results must be illustrated with number or table If necessary, however must guarded possible at least. Discussion details, speculation, and interpretation of data are not entered in results, but rather in parts discussion.
Authors must emphasize analysis condition before and after the program / activity involvement public held.
Discussion must interpret the findings expressed in results obtained with existing knowledge background. Discussion must highlight new perspective. Every assumption must state with clearly.
Analysis should be equipped with discussion more carry on about participation public as well as the impact obtained public. Will be great addition content if the authors also include adoption innovation by society.
Entire tables, pictures, photos and graphs are available in manuscript and it must quote and integrate with analysis and / or justification / importance with devotion public programs / activities. All tables, figures, photos and graphs must relevant with manuscript.
Give conclusion from discussion manuscript.
Mention its impacts and benefits of public empowerment activity.
Provide suggestions for public empowerment more carry on.
Obtain new findings namely theories, principles, methods, models, or those supported by research data.
Reference written based on APA (American Psychological Association) format
Reference be included alphabetically.
Reference only includes the literature you cite in text.
Check reference details to actual sources. Authors responsible answer on accuracy and completeness reference.
If available, the URL for reference has provided.
Highly recommended using 70% journals references and 30% book references. Reference journal must be published for a minimum of 5 years latest.
Author recommended using Mendeley for build bibliography.